Use the text block component for the main body text of your page.

Select it by clicking the text block icon at the top of the body block

Heading and lead text

Heading and lead text fields aren’t mandatory. You can choose not to use one or both of them.

NB if using heading or lead text, DO NOT repeat the title or banner description text.

If using lead text, make sure it’s a proper sentence with a full stop.

Here’s an example of a page with heading and lead text:

Here’s how they look when published:

Text block, header, lead example in Drupal

Here’s an example of a page with neither heading nor lead:

this is how it looks when published:

Body text

It’s good practice to write in short sentences and short paragraphs (see Barnardo’s style guidelines).


  • be concise

  • be friendly – use ‘we’ rather than ‘Barnardo’s’, address the user directly as ‘you’

  • use the active voice (passive takes up more space, is harder to read, and makes us seem impersonal)

  • use language people are using (not necessarily the language Barnardo’s uses) e.g. most people talk about local councils not local authorities – use Google Trends to check for terms people search for

  • use sentence case at all times – it's easier to read and consistent with Barnardo's style (this means don't use capital letters unless you're beginning a sentence or writing the name of a person, place or organisation)

  • show passion – see Barnardo’s tone-of-voice guidance in our brand guidelines


Don’t use bold or underline for emphasis (users may think it’s a link). Avoid italics except for titles of books, films or foreign terms.

Embedding hyperlinks

To embed a link in body text, use shift+arrow keys or mouse to select the text you want to display as link text then click the link symbol from the icons at top of body block. Then add the url you want your selected text to link to in the url field of the Add link window that pops up. If the link is going to an external website, click ADVANCED and select 'Open in new window' option to open the link in another tab/window.

Add link window options

Then click save.

NB the link text must be meaningful (for accessibility) so for example:

Read our annual report = good link text

Click here = bad link text

NB if you need to add a link to a secure Barnardo's site (e.g. Content Server, Huddle, etc.) see Adding links to secure sites.

Internal links

If embedding a hyperlink to another Barnardo’s page in Drupal, use the node number of the target page, NOT its url. That way you can add a link to a page that has not yet been published, and the link will always go to that target page even if its url changes.

You can find the node number in the url of the target page in edit mode:

Edit node in Drupal

Then paste it into the link url field:

Edit links in Drupal

NB to add a more prominent link to Barnardo’s content you can use promoted or callout or content list components.

Linking to other Barnardo's sites

If linking to a multisite, for example, from a page on inside.barnardos (IB) to a page on the main website, it's still a good idea to use the node number, but it's important to also include the domain.  

So for example, a link from the IB Duke of Edinburgh page to the website volunteering page (node number 1666) will go nowhere if you put the usual /node/1666 as hyperlink, as you're linking to another site, you need to include that site's domain number (website = domain-6) so the link should be /domain-6/node/1666. 

NB Make sure the url is displaying the correct domain by switching to site your page is on


If your body text is more than a couple of paragraphs long it’s a good idea to break it up using subheadings (headings within the body text).

Use H2 (select Heading 2 from the format dropdown - top left of body block) for your first level of subheading in body text (this helps screenreaders identify sections of text).

To subdivide a section of text below a more general heading, use H2 for the main heading and H3 for subheadings within that section.

If using headings  or subheadings make sure they’re as frontloaded as possible (see Page title) and include salient terms to make the page more search-engine friendly and to make it easier for the user to find the information they need when scanning the page.

To add inline images and videos - See Inline media 

Mental Health Text Block

This component should be use for the Mental Health website only.

This component will centre the text and align it to the left.