Teasers serve 2 functions. The title, description and image you put into the teaser fields are what the user sees in

  • search results such as google (this is currently not working but in the process of being fixed, so screenshot not available)
  • teaser blocks (promo components) on Barnardo’s site, such as these

Create a teaser for the page you’re working on by populating the teaser block on the right-hand side

If you want the teaser title to be the same as the page title (ideally it should be) there’s no need to copy it into the teaser title field; the teaser will automatically take the page title.

If for any reason the page title is over 65 characters, write a short version in the short title field.

Write a short description of the page in the teaser short description field.

Along with the title, the short description (summary) is usually what users see in search results so it should give them a clear indication of what the content is about. Write short, simple descriptive text so people can see quickly whether the page will have the information they need.

Keep all short descriptions below 300 characters (including spaces) as Google usually only shows the first 300 characters in search results. If your short description is longer, make sure you cover the main point of the page in the first 300 characters.

Short descriptions should end with a full stop. It can help people who use assistive technology like screen readers.

If possible, add a teaser image, especially for content pages, case studies, challenge events – a teaser with a photo is more attractive and the photo is clickable. A teaser without a photo has a big blank space on the left and looks odd in a list of teasers with photos.

To add an image click the arrow beside Teaser image

then click the select button


A select media library screen pops up where you can search for, select or upload the image you need for your teaser.

To select an image, click the image in the library so a tick appears on it, then scroll to the bottom of the image library page and click select files.

To upload a new image, see Add image to library