Children's service page

How to write your service’s website profile.

Use your service information form (SIF) to update your service page

Remember your service profile is a very brief overview to help users understand how you can help. 

If you need to make any changes to your service page, please edit your service information form on content server, your service admin/manager should have access (there are instructions for accessing and using the service information form in the Editing service information forms download on the Service User Recording: file room user guides page on Inside.Barnardo's ).

If not, or if there is a problem with your form(s), you will need to raise a FirstPoint ticket (you can access FirstPoint from the Inside Barnardo’s homepage)

Your service information form allows you to edit:

  • Service description (click here on how to write good service description)
  • Contact information (address, email, telephone, external website, opening hours) - please have at least one way for users to contact you
  • What we can help with (service categories)

In addition, you can:

  • add a hero image - you need to ensure you have permission to use the photos and it is of a good quality (minimum size 1512px x 850px), aim to make these specific to your service
  • add a Service or funder logo (16:0 ratio, (eg) 500w x 281H)
  • add multiple links to the service social media accounts (one of each for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Padlet)
  • add links to online referral forms (or to referral documents for download)
  • make documents/resources available for download 
  • embed a YouTube or Vimeo video with a description text
  • Accessibility information (eg) wheelchair access

At the moment, these changes need to be implemented by colleagues within the web team so to request any of the above for your service please contact and we can discuss your requirements.

Please join the Workplace group to be kept up-to-date with the changes to the website service page

Publishing your changes

So that any updates appear on the website check all relevant sections to appear in the ‘website visibility’ section at the bottom of the form.

Service information form website visibility settings

If your service is visible, make sure there is at least one way for a user to contact you.

The process to refresh the live data is manual – for the moment – so we’ll refresh any changes on Wednesdays after 12pm.

Your service profile

Aim to write no more than 50 to 100 words (not more than 1,950 characters). A lot of people will be reading the information on phones, so it needs to be short.

Don’t try to include everything your service does. Don’t write general information about the problem your service deals with.

Your profile should include:

  • one short sentence about what the service does and who it’s for 

  • a very short summary of the service, for example: how do you work with young people? How do they benefit? (without repeating general explanations that are already on the website

  • a brief description of who the service can help (for example, is it only for a certain age group? or for people in a particular area?), what the referral process is and who can apply (use bullets if necessary)

Before you write your profile

Read Barnardo’s style guide

Imagine the person reading your profile doesn’t know anything about the service. What is the minimum they need to know to understand if this service is what they’re looking for?

When you write your profile

Use short sentences and common words that everyone understands. Avoid potentially alienating words like: ‘service’ ‘deliver’ ‘ service user’

Use bullet points rather than long paragraphs

Don’t repeat the service name – this profile will be directly below the service name in the page title. Start with ‘We…’

Use ‘you’ to speak to your reader directly – for example, ‘If you think a child or young person is at risk of…”

Don’t use abbreviations – for example, write ‘child sexual abuse’ not ‘CSA’, or 'children and young people' not 'CYP'

Avoid the passive voice and random capital letters – for example: ​​

Don’t say: 

A support network is provided for Care Leavers


We provide a support network for care leavers

Get someone else to read through it before you publish it – nobody spots their own typos.

Three examples of services profiles

B You 

We help children and young people in West Sussex who are being sexually exploited, or who are at risk of child sexual exploitation.

We provide one-to-one support for each young person. We help them take back control over their lives, and show them how to identify and avoid unsafe situations in future.

We also run awareness-raising sessions for multi-agency professionals and young people to prevent sexual exploitation.

We can only work with children and young people who are:

  • up to 18 years old

  • living in West Sussex

If you believe you – or someone you know – may be affected by child sexual exploitation, contact us as soon as possible.

Professionals, if a child you work with is affected by or at risk of child sexual exploitation, fill in our referral form.

Bay6 Project

We offer accommodation and support for young people who are homeless, or at risk of being homeless, in South Ribble, Lancashire.

As well as providing a safe place to live, we help young people to prepare for independent living. We teach practical skills such as how to budget and cook, and help young people to develop their confidence and self-esteem. Each young person has a support worker, who helps them plan for the future and create education and work goals. 

We can only work with young people who are:

  • 16 to 25 years old

  • single

  • homeless, or at risk of being homeless

We give priority to people in South Ribble, Lancashire.

You can ask for a place at Bay6 for yourself or a member of your family by filling in our referral form. 

Professionals, to refer a young person to Bay6, fill in our referral form with the young person.

Barnardo's Family Service Angus 

We work with vulnerable children and young people in Angus who have had difficult life experiences and may be at risk of losing their accommodation or care placement. 

Working in partnership with Angus Council, we offer emotional and practical support to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing. We also support parents and carers to create more stable living environments and better outcomes for children, young people and families.

 We can only work with young people who are:

  • 3 to 18 years old

  • living in Angus

  • identified as experiencing significant vulnerabilities

You cannot refer yourself to this service. Referrals must be approved by a social work area manager. 

Opening hours

You can change your opening hours by editing the 'Contact hours' field on your service information form

Enter the days and times that the service may be contacted. 

To ensure the clarity of the contact hours description

  • Don’t abbreviate days, use ‘Monday’ rather than ‘Mon’ it’s easier to read for screen readers and if English isn’t your first language
  • Use ‘to’ instead of a dash or slash in day and time ranges. ‘To’ is quicker to read than a dash, and it’s easier for screen readers.
  • Use the 12 hour clock rather than the 24 hour clock so 5:30pm (not 1730hrs)
  • If needed say midnight (not 00:00) or midday (not 12 noon, noon or 12pm)
  • Explain any exceptions such as bank holidays, or days of the week when your opening hours are different.

For example “Monday to Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm. (Except public holidays)”