Find a page in the CMS

The easiest way to find the page you want to edit is to click content (top left) and write the title or any keywords form the title in the title field

You can narrow the search further  by filtering by

  • content type (list only standard pages, case studies,  events, etc.)

  • published status (list only published or unpublished pages)

  • groups (list only main site, intranet, etc. content)

Select from any or all of the dropdowns then click filter

That will give you a list of all items containing your keyword, filtered by your dropdown selections (in the example above, all items with ‘foster’ in  the title that are published on the main site).

To edit a page, scroll down the list of pages to the one you want to edit and click edit in the operations column on the right.

That will give you an edit page screen:

See Edit a page

The search function works quite well on the general content page.

NB There’s no search box if you’re on your group page, but you can use the general content search and filter by group.