If you need to have an inline image or video (a picture or video screen with text wrapping round it), put your cursor where you want the image to appear in the text and click inline media from the components at top of body block.
Select left or right alignment in the inline media popup screen. Left is Barnardo’s default position but right works better if there are subheadings and/or bullet lists anywhere near the inline image or video.
You can also select what proportion of the text box your image or video takes up (its size compared with the surrounding text) by selecting from the image/text split dropdown.
NB don’t assume everything is OK when the inline image looks fine on your screen. It may still mess up subheadings or bullet lists when viewed on larger or smaller screens.
If you’re adding a photo or other image, ignore the Youtube url field in the screenshot above, and click OK.
Put cursor in image field, then click E in panel at top of text block
then click the image you want in the ‘Select media to embed’ library so a tick appears on it, then scroll to the bottom of the media library page and click select media.
In the embed media popup, add alternative text if it isn’t already there
then click Embed.
The selected image will now appear embedded in your body text
You can add a caption if there’s a need.
NB on the editing page it appears on the left even if you selected right, but will be on the right on the live page.
If the picture you need isn’t in the ‘select image’ library, see Add image to library.
To change the image name or select a different image, right-click the image and select Edit entity, then click back.
If you’re adding a video here, enter the youtube URL in the appropriate field, click OK
and the inline media block appears in your text block.
If you don’t add anything else, the default video screen will display in a box in your text.
You can also add an image to appear in the video box instead of the default video view. Put cursor in image field, click E, etc. and select image as above, then click Embed.
The selected image or video will now appear in your text block.
To replace the image, doubleclick the image and click back in the embed media popup, then click replace selection in the review selected media popup, and choose a different image.
To upload new images to the library, see Add image to library.
You can add a caption to the image or video in the caption field, but this isn’t mandatory.
To move an inline image within the body text either right click it and select cut, paste… or use the usual keyboard shortcuts ctrl X, ctrl V.
To delete an inline image put cursor in grey area at top of image block and hit delete key.