Use the accordion component if there's a need to have a lot of content on one page, so the user can see headings at a glance and go only to the section they need to see.

NB It's far better simply NOT to put a lot of content on a page. Nobody wants to read hundreds of words on a laptop or phone, but there are rare cases where it's inevitable such as where the accordion comes in handy.

To add an accordion, put your cursor outside any other component and select accordion from the components at the top of the body block.

Accordion menu item in Drupal


 You can add a title in the title field if it's useful to have an overall title for all the content in the accordion. If not, leave the title field blank.

To add the first accordion item, put the cursor in the accordion item field then select Accordion item from the components at the top of the body block.

Accordion menu item in Drupal

 Add a title and body text to the accordion item. You need to have a title for each accordion item as that is the only part of this item the user sees before they click to reveal the body text. You can also add inline media or call to action components to the accordion item text block if you need to.

Accordion content in Drupal

 When you've populated this accordion item, put the cursor into the space below the item (but still inside the accordion block) and select Accordion item again from the components at the top of the body block.

Populate the new item and repeat as many times as necessary. 

Accordion menu item in Drupal

 The accordion looks like this on the published page:

Accordion web site content


 When the user selects one or more of the accordion items it looks like this: 

Accordion expanded web site content