The Embed component is a multi-purpose tool for adding different types of embeddable content to the website. It has been tested with Charms forms and Soundcloud tracks, and will work with other types of content with little or no development work to extend the component.


  1. Place the cursor in the position the embedded content will appear.
  2. Click the Embed component in the components toolbar.
  3. Add the source URL and Accessible Title (for screen readers) of the content to be embedded.
  4. Save the page.

SoundCloud example usage

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Share button
  3. Switch to Embed at the top of the popup window
  4. Select and copy the code that begins with "<iframe".
  5. Extract the URL from the code as described below.
  6. Place that URL into the Embed component.

Full code from SoundCloud: <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>

URL for Embed component: