Promoted (add teaser to page)

This is a way of featuring links to other pages on the site through teasers.

This is what a teaser looks like on a live page

To be able to put a teaser like this on a page using the promoted component, you need to ensure you’ve populated the teaser fields on the target page (see Teaser).

To add a teaser to a page, click the promoted component from the options at top of body block.

In the select content to embed screen, you can search for the page you want to link to by typing keywords in the Title field and/or you can filter the list by selecting from the dropdowns under Content type, Published status, Groups

Then select the page you want to link to by ticking the box in the right-hand column, then scroll right down to the bottom of and click the select content button.

You’ll see a small embed content popup showing you the name of the page you selected. if it’s wrong, click back and choose again. If it’s right, click embed.

That puts a teaser on the page you’re creating or editing.

You can move it up and down like any component by right-clicking the top of the block and cut/pasting.

NB until/unless there's further development, teasers don’t work automatically across sites. For example, Other ways to donate is a page on the main site. If you put a teaser for it (as a promo block) on any page on the main site, it will click through to the Other ways to donate page. However, if you put that teaser on a different multisite site such as the donate site, the user clicking the teaser will get an error message. To prevent this, you need to add the target page to the appropriate site (in this case, add the Other ways to donate page to the donate site). See Add a page to another site.

NB2 if the page you’re adding to a multisite itself contains teasers or links to other pages that are just on one site, you’ll also need to add them to the other site e.g. Other ways to donate links to Donate shares (a page on the main site). If the user arrives at Other ways to donate from the Donate page, then clicks the link to Donate shares, they’d get an error message if we hadn’t also added Donate shares to the donate site.