Go to https://cms.barnardos.org.uk
To create a new page or to edit an existing one, click the Groups tab in the top menu bar.
Then choose which site you want to add a page to (for the website content team this will be main site if you’re writing intranet content it will be Internal comms).
In the Operations column (right-hand side of screen) click Edit dropdown and select Nodes for the site you’ve chosen.
The nodes button only appears against the sites you have permission to work on (in Drupal, 'node' means 'page' as far as we're concerned here).
To create a new page, click the Add new content button on the Nodes screen.
On the Add new content screen, click on the type of page you want to create (according to whether creating a standard page, a case study, an event page, etc.).
NB the policy page type is only for Barnardo’s intranet policies such as Adoption leave and pay policy. Until further notice, don’t use policy page type for the main site.
For more information about the other available pages types, see Page types.
Once you’ve selected your page type, you get a blank page (below).
To write content in this page you need to populate various fields and select components.
The important thing to note here is that this is a component-based site. You can’t just start writing in that big blank space. You have to
make sure the text format at the bottom is selected as components
select component(s) from the list at the top
See Page fields and components.
NB if creating a page that replaces a page on the old Barnardo’s site, and if you’re publishing it immediately, you have to set up a redirect from the old page to the new. See Redirects.