NB until further development work is done, we advise you not to use this function. Instead, add your page to the menu structure. That will automatically give it the appropriate url and breadcrumb.
Click URL PATH SETTINGS on the right-hand side of the edit page to open up the path settings box
If the Generate automatic URL alias box is ticked, Drupal will generate a url based on the page title and its place in the menu structure (see Menus).
If you haven't added the page to the menu structure, a url will be generated based on the page title e.g. if the title is Our annual report, it will show in the URL alias field as
This would result in the url: www.barnardos.org.uk/our-annual-report which wouldn’t be good since Our annual report isn't a top-level page and the url should reflect the site structure/breadcrumb trail, so if your page has a parent page, untick the Generate automatic URL alias box and add the parent page slug e.g.
If your page is more than one level down in the hierarchy, add all the slugs, e.g. for the Previous annual reports page, add the 2 slugs
so the live url will be https://www.barnardos.org.uk/who-we-are/our-annual-report/previous-annual-reports.
However, a far simpler way of getting the correct url and breadcrumb is to add your page to the menu structure.
It’s important to determine the url path before publishing the page, so it will be published with the correct url.
If for any reason you need to change the url of a live page, see Change a live url.
case study urls
Case study urls should ONLY have /case-studies/ and the name of the actual case study e.g. https://www.barnardos.org.uk/case-studies/ian-paul
campaign urls
All campaign pages should have a url path beginning: /campaigns/
e.g. a one-off campaign about RSE with page title RSE: have your say should have the url www.barnardos.org.uk/campaigns/rse-have-your-say